Gene Ruda
3 min readJul 17, 2021


How to Lose Liberty and Win Punity with Uncivility

by Gene Stephan Ruda

Faced with mandatory vaccination as a public health policy, some quote the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the French-Swiss philosopher and author of "The Social Contract", who championed an individual’s inherent right to freedom of choice.

When a people no longer defends its freedoms and rights, it becomes ripe for slavery. -Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1762

Quand un peuple ne défend plus ses libertés et ses droits, il devient mûr pour l'esclavage. -Jean Jacques Rousseau, 1762

The undeniable fact is that interrelations between human sub-groups and between humanity and other life forms have continuously demonstrated systemic exploitation and enslavement. This predation against all life is practiced today as salaried work under no-warranty and co-dependent employment "agreements", human trafficking disguised as migratory liberation, factory farming, genetic modification of organisms and the domestication of sentient animal mothers who are "husbanded" in CAFOs, while at least half of their offspring are exterminated.

Current practices enslave sentient living beings through a paradoxically employed system of "free enterprise", characterized by corporate global industrialization. Ironically boasting economic "growth" as a collective holy grail of great goods, this unsustainable system has tragically reduced both immunity producing bio-diversity and the available resources to ensure basic, dignified individual (or familial) property (domestic inhabitation).

Equal opportunity for prosperity, ie. mutual benefit has disappeared. The decreased and decreasing privileged Haves obscure, defend and conserve their position with propaganda fountains and social media megaphones, while the increased and poor Have-nots suffer, underprivileged and underserved by underfunded and disempowered public health, transport and utilities infrastructure.

The Have-nots are overwhelmed by the consequences of ruling and privileged class greed and avarice. They are poised to violently rebel and revolt against self-interested pandemic "policy" and the shameful inaction by governments to stop non-renewable extraction, transform make and waste manufacture, and end murderous pollution caused by dirty carbon spewing power systems and linear profit-motivated product supply chains. Melting polar glaciers and rising sea inundation, caused by the profiteering perpetuators of inequity and injustice, isolates and imprisons millions on desert islands of silence.

Unbridled, alienating and polarizing false-narrative propaganda encourages the prevalent refusal by ignorant and fearful innocents to share the risk associated with proven health protecting, death-reducing vaccination. The narrative elevates and priorities self and tribal identity survival. Me and us over them. It is simply and sadly not a call to acts of recognizable courageous freedom or to resist forced servitude.

Encouragement of that stubborn refusal inoculates the innocent with a powerless placebo. An addictive sugar concoction which produces a hallucinatory and hypnotic, zombified and sociopathic choice syndrome. A self-destructive and suicidal continuance of enslavement, falsely flagged as freedom. The innocents are injected with the sweetened juice of bitter injustice.

In fact, scientifically proven vaccination by at least 70% of a population is the fastest path out of the viral pandemic while ensuring equality AND freedom in the long run. Freedom without social justice and mutual benefit is unrighteous, uncivil brutality. A just and trusted democratic government can and should reasonably require certain individual actions for the greater societal good. Furthermore, beings in service to the survival of a universally designed species is not the same as enslavement to a human-contrived profit generating system or a rigged game.

When the wild and warlike abandon civility in the name of freedom they lose the right, the reward of unleashed liberty and win the plight, the penalty of proportioned punity. -Gene Stephan Ruda, 2021

Quand les sauvages et les guerriers abandonnent la civilité au nom de la liberté, ils perdent le droit, la récompense de la liberté déchaînée et gagnent le sort, la peine d'une punition proportionnée. Gene Stephan Ruda, 2021

#covid-19 #capitolinsurrection #antivaxxers #publichealth

