Out with the OLD in with the NOW

Gene Ruda
3 min readJun 21, 2022

Beyond the O.L.D.
Carbon Offsets Game,
in the N.O.W.
Carbon Onsets Game.

Circular Rewards Ethically Distributed

Given our current existentially threatened circumstance, humanity simply must mindfully select and courageously administer a credible, circular and lively reference model (by design), and utilize a sustainable and regenerative carbon currency (by policy). We at Tr8ce (Tr8ce Inc., SPC) call on all Earthlings to practice Spherical Commons Design principles (Etzioni, McDonough, Ostrum, Raworth) and utilize an integrated Decentralized Global Carbon Reward system (Chen, Ajwani-Ramchandani et al.).

We can combine innovative design and powerful policy to generate a globally constituted and locally accountable governing force. Powered by peer-to-peer networked, decentralized, amplified, collaborative intelligence. Establish a credible system secured by encryption and assisted by machine learning which we and our associates call “Super Reality”.

We can manifest a systemic and programmed, transformational, direct-action organization which metaversally referees a new world game. A sustainably modeled global energy organization (a “GEO”) which will constitute a very ‘cool’ three-dimensional CombiNation:

1. Digitally mirrored United Nations, ie. “Nations United”.

2. Intelligently collected “Organizations Energized”.

3. Socially justified “Worlds Counseled”.

We will replace the OLD (Oppressive Linear Domination) with the NOW (Nations Organizations Worlds). We will MORF (mindfully organize referentially form) a GEO DAO (decentralized autonomous organization). A NOW DAO which has the ability and the authority to locally account for (mine, mint, monetize) value and enforce (map, measure, master) virtue by referencing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) “Target Indicators”. The SDG indicators are specific objectives to reach by certain dates. The organized system will recognize and reward accredited, digitally-twinned, sovereign and humanistic actors on-location, utilizing the dynamically published and available UN SDG API (application programmer’s interface).

Tr8ce Inc., SPC

The NOW DAO will function as a decentralized administrator of the Tr8ce FLOW (Financial Liquidity Organized Well) fund and counsel its interactive stakeholders (depositors, underwriters, investors, borrowers, shareholders).

The NOW DAO will effectively utilize autonomous physical and digital regulatory agents (“tr8cers”), capturing and storing verified and encrypted DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) data and running amplified intelligence SuperSmart Contract programs which ‘phygitally’ exchange carbon currency. The DAO will reward renewable and regenerative practices and will also recover (collect) waste.

1. Mete regeneration rewards (tokens) as CRED (Circular Rewards Ethically Distributed)
2. Collect degeneration ‘change’ (fees) as DRED (Debt Recoveries Equitably Determined).


Collectively the NOW DAO operates a Super CRED-it Union which finances a carbon utility and circulates carbon in a multidimensional, energized CRED-o-SPHERE. Planned and programmed channels of spatially identified and energized life, objects, places and marketspaces.

Having curated, captured, encrypted and stored verified, credible data, and utilized a well designed energy tokenomic model, each and every politically consensual and sovereign community will co-create tried and true, carrot and stick (crook) motivated change.

We will collectively and intelligently Pay it Forward, and Get Change Back.

The NOW DAO flag — The Carrot and the Crook

NOW, read more:

Elinor Ostrum (The Commons)

Amitai Etzione (Communitarians)

William McDonough (Circular Design, Cradle-to-Cradle)

Kate Raworth (Doughnut Economics)

Raji Ajwani-Ramchandani, Sandra Figueira,Rui Torres de Oliveira, Shishir Jha (Circular Economy, The Commons and Blockchain)

Delton Chen (Global Carbon Rewards Initiative)

The United Nations SDGs (Target Indicators)

The European Union (declares the need for a CRED-it Union)

Copyright 2022 Tr8ce Inc., SPC. All rights reserved.

